Earth, Air, Fire and Water


I had the privilege of being part of a musical ensemble that played outdoors at a beach wedding recently. The instruments were a djembe drum, guitar, handpan and myself on the bansuri. It was a beautiful experience and I look forward to many more.

Research some time ago revealed a link between musical instruments and the four elements.

In terms of astrology, the twelve zodiac signs are grouped into four elements—fire, earth, air and water. The ancient Greeks believed that everything was made up of these four elements. Each of these elementary groups has distinct traits and each is in some way dependent on the other. Tgether they make a whole and form everything in the natural world.

With these four elements in mind, here is an update of the first quarter of our year with a small collection of pictures. As always, there has been much more. This is where we are.


In ancient India, instruments were grouped into categories. I would like to write more about this again in future, in more detail. But for now, here is a summary.

Avannaddha vadya refers to percussion instruments where sound is produced by stretched membrane.
Susira vadya is when sound is produced by vibrating columns of air.
Tata vadya refers to sound produced by vibrating string.
Ghana vadya refers to percussion instruments of wood or metal. Solid instruments that do not require tuning.

My research linked these categories to the elements.

Earth – Percussion instruments – Djembe drum
Air – Wind instruments – Flute
Fire – Stringed instruments – Guitar
Water – Cymbals, bells and resonant metals – Handpan


At the start of the year we shared an invitation to get an astrology reading from us. So far this year we have successfully managed at least one per week and have gained so much each reading we have done. We need as much practice as we can get.

As astrologer, the elements can be described like this:

Earth is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. It rules Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Air is a symbol of communication, intelligence, and versatility. It rules Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Fire is a symbol of creation, energy, and passion. It rules Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Water is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, intuition, and the universal realm. It rules Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

For fun and interest, I’ve prepared and attached the astrology chart relating to the exact moment that this article post was published on Facebook. The chart displays the actual positions of the sun, moon and all the planets at the time of making this post public.

The invitation to a reading from us still stands. While we are learning, there is no charge. A reading takes about two hours. If you know your exact time, date and place of birth, let me know and we can arrange to connect via Zoom.


At the end of last year, an old labour dwelling became available at the bottom of the property. Rather than have it stand empty and fall to ruin, we’ve started renovating it. With lots of good intentions and hard work it is slowly transforming.

The breaking through of a doorway, confirmed that it is built of local rock and stone, sourced on the property. It is much older than we thought. Standing more solid that the majority of other buildings in the area. In that way too, it has found its name, “The Stone Cottage”.

Rhodi-Anne makes fun of me for wanting to label everything. In response, I’ll make a sign. Crafted from local materials at hand 🙂

For the rest of this year, The Stone Cottage will be a base for us to work from and continue with our many projects and plans for the future.


Our two boy alpacas finally joined us here in January. A bit of “analysis paralysis” and wanting to make sure we were capable and prepared for looking after their needs, meant it took longer for us to bring them here. (read Anton over thought things)

Now that they are here, we are learning that they are a cocky creature. Don’t let the cuteness fool you. There is a demanding intelligence behind those big goofy eyes.

We are catching up slowly and the fleece we sheared from them this past spring is now also ready for spinning into yarn.

I built some smaller camps, to keep them close (ish) to the main house and have also finished up building a decent shelter to protect them from the wind and rain (when it comes this winter) The shelter ended up as an extension next to Bubu’s (enchanted) owl house.

Both owl and alpacas do not seem to be too bothered with each other. Alpacas are curious creatures, moving closer to inspect anything that enters their territory. Food and anything edible, are top of an alpacas priority list. Bubu the owl is quite happy to watch wisely from a place of comfort.


A new parking space is being prepared for Olive, the crystal bus. As soon as that is complete, we’ll shift our focus to making serious progress. So far we have removed all the seats. We’ve been doing other things too. But she has a name. So, I can make a sign…. (cue, roll eyes from Rhodi-Anne)


Our work with Soma and sacred mushrooms, continues quietly and steadily. I have deep gratitude and respect for everybody involved in this important work.

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me. More information can also be found on these Facebook pages :

Soma Retreats –
Soma Mushrooms –
Or you can visit –

This year we have also started hosting online information meetings. The next meeting via Zoom is on 31 March. There is a link to register at the above website.

OUR ONLINE HOMES is my personal domain and outlet on the world wide web. This is where you will find some of my stories. An official repository of my digital presence online holding content of experiences, writing and creations.

This is especially useful for those that have disconnected from social media. This post, along with some history can be found there. Easily searchable and regularly updated. is a newer domain, hosting our small online store, creative things and our story of farm living.

Thank you for reading our update. Wishing you much love and hope for this year, which has only just begun and still loaded with potential.

May you stay safe and healthy. Lots of love from me and Rhodi-Anne <3

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