Introducing Mr and Mrs M, a pair of Malachite sunbirds who have set up their breeding nest in the lemon tree just a few metres outside my door.
As fate would have it, the first image of Mrs M was taken the evening before Coffee Cat brought her inside for a late night tour of the cottage. One of the downsides of sharing space with a young cat are the gifts of various types creatures arriving throughout the night. Presenting of birds has been rare and further development of this skill is to be prevented with a large bell attached to her collar.
The good news is that with some patience and some midnight TLC, Mrs M departed with her dignity in tact and only her tail feathers left as a sacrifice. (for possible use in a project I have started working on)
A day later I have discovered her flying around with no discomfort. The nest is so close by and I can keep an eye on them both from the comfort of my lounge or desk.
Mrs M feeding on the Leonotis Leonurus or Lion’s Tail growing outside the cottage. Maybe Mr M. An older picture taken of a male Malachite sunbird Mrs M took some time to recover after Coffee Cat brought her in for a tour of the cottage. Tail feathers left as a sacrifice for possible use in a project. Gratitude. Mrs M took some time to catch her breath and after a while I placed her on a safe spot on the porch. Eventually she had managed to gather herself and flew off. Taken the next day. Mrs M, minus her tail feather feeding off the lion’s tail growing outside their nest. A safe space and keeping an eye on each other. This is a zoomed view from my window. Mr M looking on from a distance. He has not spent much time around the nest lately. He flies at high speed around the area and mostly feeds at the front of the cottage.